Apartamenty Latarnia Morska
Apartamenty Latarnia Morska
Portowa 31
78-104 Kołobrzeg
Price from:
220,00 PLN (per night)
Apartamenty Latarnia Morska
When planning your holiday you should carefully think about the destination. For the lovers of seaside climate the ideal place is Kolobrzeg. Latarnia Morska Apartments is one of the offers which are worth considering when looking for accommodation in this town. It is located near the lighthouse - one of the biggest attractions of Kolobrzeg. This tower rises to a height of 26 m with its a breathtaking view from the top. The lighthouse has a cafÄÂĚ and gallery. Latarnia Morska Apartments are a first class suites with fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom. The apartment in Latarnia Morska in Kolobrzeg will surely satisfy the needs even of the most demanding guests.