Contact us
Sun Seasons 24 Customer Service
Pl. Powstańców Śląskich 17A, lok. 222 Building C (Verona Villa Park), 53-329 Wrocław mob.: +48 668 402 000 e-mail: [email protected]
Working hours of the Customer Service Center
Mon. - Fri.: 9AM - 6PM Sat.: 9AM - 3PM
Non-working hours - contact
email: [email protected]
You own an apartment? Become our Client - rest and grow your income
tel.: +48 519 171 403 e-mail: [email protected]
Account No. for PLN
ALIOR BANK POLSKA PL 53 2490 0005 0000 4600 5723 0054 Kod SWIFT: ALBPPLPW
Account No. for EUR
ALIOR BANK POLSKA: PL 50 2490 0005 0000 4600 8291 5029 Kod SWIFT: ALBPPLPW
Sun Seasons 24's brand owner:
Salus-HRM Sp. z o.o. 53-329 Wrocław Pl. Powstańców Śl. 17A/lok.222 NIP 894-28-87-355